
English: (Verb) An existential copula, meaning there are, it is, (he/she/it) exists, is present, or to have.

Bahasa Malaysia: Copula eksistensial, yang bermaksud ada, (dia/dia) wujud, hadir, atau mempunyai.

Pronunciation: [arɨ]

Source: Alexander D. Smith

Related to Are

areng: First.

areng: Burning coal.

arep: Trust.

bareng: 1) Only. 2) Normal. 3) Meaningless.

dau areng rai: Day before yesterday.

kare: Grasshopper. A general term which may cover a variety of grasshopper-like insects.

kare jelau: Stick bug. A type of insect that is long and slender with a body resembling a small branch or twig.

kare parai: Mantis.

kare ta'i: Cricket.

marek: To kiss.

marek ba'o': To smell.

maren: 1) Expensive. 2) Rare. 3) Prestigious.

mareng: 1) New. 2) Again.

nareng: To begin.

nyare: Negative existential . Meaning `to not exist' or `to not have'. A contraction of nye' are.

nyareng: A Kenyah name.

parek: Smaller type of empurau fish.

tareng: Before.