
English: (Intensifier) An expressive particle.

Bahasa Malaysia: Zarah ekspresif.

Pronunciation: [ma]

Source: Alexander D. Smith

Related to Ma

ama': Father, typically used as a vocative, when speaking to one's father.

amai bio': God the father.

ima': Rain.

jimah: Dew or moisture on a surface.

kuman: To eat.

lema: Light from a source, such as light from the sun.

lema': 1) Weak. 2) Soft

ma': Vocative form of `father'. Used when trying to get one's father's attention. `Hey dad!'

ma'ong: A cold sore.

maa': A type of large metalic earring used to decorate and elongate the earlobe.

maam: To submerge.

maan: Difficult.

mabok: To be drunk.

mabu: 1) Dusty. 2) Kitchen.

maen: To play.

magah: Always.

magat: In good shape. Handsome or beautiful. Healthy.

mah: An exclamatory particle.

majau: To harvest.

majo': A long time.

makang: Brave.

makok: A bowl.

malai: Normal or ordinary.

malem rai: Last night.

maloi: To change, as in something has changed. A change in state or reality.

mana: 1) To cook. 2) To heat.

mane: To ask for, receive.

mangang: To bark, like the bark of a dog.

manyam: To weave.

manyep: Sharp; sharpened.